Hi there! My name is Robyn and I am the proud shop owner of www.robynsart.etsy.com. I do bookbinding, jewelry making, and photography. I do not claim to be any expert, but I have a lot of trial and error under my belt! I’d like to share some tips with you.
When your focus is nature, the best suggestion I have is to get out there! The more you go out, the more opportunities you will have for amazing photos. I like to go to different places all the time, making mental notes of photo opportunities during the week, then heading out when I have the time. I have recently found that even if I don’t necessarily feel like getting out there, I will enjoy it if I do. So I go.
I would recommend keeping your camera with you at all times. I find that I can take photos in the smallest of times. On a break at work, when arriving early for an appointment, or when on a scenic drive. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I turn off the road because I see the perfect shot!
If you have a digital camera, make sure you have batteries with you, and don’t forget an extra memory card. Any camera should be kept in good working order, and your supplies (batteries, lenses, film, tripod) should be together and easy to carry.

Learn how to use your camera. I’ve found that local camera shops are very willing to help out. Play with the settings and discover the capabilities of your particular camera. I struggled with taking macro photos with my camera for months, almost giving up, then one day, while playing with the settings, and trying repeatedly, I got it. That was one of the most blissful moments, let me tell you!
Always remember to learn every day. Every single day you will discover an amazing subject to photograph, see something in a brand new way, or learn something new about your camera! And remember to have fun while you are out there. If any of you have any questions, or would like to share any photos, my email is robyns_art at live dot com.
To see more of Robyn's work, please be sure to visit her Etsy shop. If you're interested in being a part of future Workshop Wednesdays, please feel free to convo me in my Etsy shop or comment on this post. Have a great day!
I LOVE this feature Ruth. Taking pictures of the outdoors is one of my favorite things to do and there is some really great tips here. Thanks for posting.
Great tips Robyn! I need to pack my little camera back into my purse, so I have one with me all the time again.
Thank you so much for featuring my article today Ruth!!!
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