Facebook offers targeted advertising on their site. I've heard many people have success with it, and then some who felt like they spent a lot of money for nothing. With Facebook you can choose who sees your ad based on different factors like age, sex, interests and location. This enables you to create a very specific target audience. You can also set up the ad to pay per click or pay per impression.

Still unsure about whether you want to fork out the cash to test it out? Use this link to get a $100 Facebook ad credit. If you have a personal account on Facebook, simply sign up for the Visa Business Group, fill out a profile, and you will be sent an email with the credit. You don't have to apply for a Visa card or anything like that. It doesn't take any personal information from you other than your name. You can volunteer more info if you like. It's like free money! Why not sign up and find out if Facebook is the right place for you to advertise? I'm testing it out right now. Good luck to you!
**For those fearful of clicking on links, the above link simply leads to the Facebook App. It's just like any other App page on Facebook, like the Etsy-Mini Facebook App.
So I created four different ads targeting different age ranges, education levels, and interests. Three of the ads were busts; very little traffic. One of them has been FANTASTIC and created a lof traffic to my shop and resulted in several sales this weekend. I know for a fact that those sales came from my ad because the buyers told me they found me from my Facebook ad in the 'note to seller.' I am thrilled that this ad is working out. I probably would not have tried out so many different ads if I was having to pay for each of them, so I am very grateful for this ad credit. I also discovered that paying per 1,000 impressions was the way to go for me since I was getting several clicks per 1,000 impressions. If I had chosen to pay per click, the ads would be costing more. So far, since I've started this ad I've had four sales totaling about $100 and the ad has "cost" me about $8.
For more updates and answers to frequently asked questions, see -----> this post.
Thanks for the info... I'll give it a try.
Thats an idea...I may give this a shot. It never hurts to try!
Great info. Thanks for blogging on it.
This sounds great...but the skeptic in me fears it's too good to be true. I haven't clicked the link yet, but is it safe? Do you have to provide credit card information? I do see a lot of familiar Etsians in my facebook side bar!
Alissa, the link leads to the App on Facebook, just like any other link to a Facebook App.
For those who are fearful, I've heard of this from other people and they have gotten 800+ visits from the Facebook advertising only! Thanks for sharing this Ruth!!! I was looking for it!
Thanks very much for this information.
Thanks for the info -- I'd love to know how it works out for you! - ellen @ artlife
I've been tempted but have yet to try it out. Can't wait to hear about your experience with it! Good luck!
for sharing this Ruth! I have a facebook personal page and business page. would like to look into it, but don't want to sign up for a visa card or anything like that... does it require this?
"I have a facebook personal page and business page. would like to look into it, but don't want to sign up for a visa card or anything like that... does it require this?"
Absolutely not; it doesn't require you do anything but ad the Visa Business group application to your page. The only real information it asks for is your name.
Hi Ruth. Thank you for the info about the facebook ads. I am a little confused on the pay per clicks vs. pay per impressions. could you explain that.
Thanks for the info, I'll give it a try!
Great tip and thanks for posting. It wouldn't take my ad until I gave them a visa number, so they can bill you if the ad runs over the $100.00. Since I'm unfamiliar with the site and kind of paranoid of not being able to cancel, I jammed out.
What's the difference between click and impression?????
So I filled out the form, added the visa business facebook thing to my facebook profile but now what? you said I'm supposed to get an email with the coupon code or something?
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