On the morning of Thursday, the 21st we woke up with a very lethargic and sad-looking puppy. Indie, our 11-month old Beagle/Terrier mix, was not acting like himself when the night before he seemed just fine. He had to be coaxed downstairs to go out when usually he's the first one up in the morning. He was very lethargic and just stood in one place looking at me with his ears back; and then promptly vomited up his undigested dinner from the night before. I took him outside to go to the bathroom and it appeared that there was blood in his urine (SCARY!). I brought him back inside and called the vet and Matt, my husband, took him in to see the doc about an hour later.
The vet said that Indie had a fever and was dehydrated. They gave him antibiotics and an IV and the fever went down. They also said that he was auto-agglutinating, which meant that his body was attacking his own red blood cells. They decided to run a panel of blood work to rule out infections and tick-borne illnesses while he spent two nights with the vet. We visited him on his second day at the vet and he seemed happy to see us and ate some food, but was tired. At this time his PCV (pack cell volume) count was around 16/17. The PCV count measures the proportion of blood volume that is occupied by red blood cells. The normal PCV count in dogs is 37-55. Indie was anemic at this point but not in serious danger.

At NC State he received an emergency transfusion and oxygen and we were able to see him afterward. I've never been so happy to see his tail wag; he looked sooooooo much better. Later that day he received another transfusion.
Indie was in the ICU at the NC State Veterinary Hospital from Saturday, the 23rd, through Thursday, the 28th. During his stay he received a third transfusion, lots of drugs and steroids, had an ultrasound, and had a spleen aspirate to rule out cancer while they ran various tests trying figure out what sent his immune system into overdrive. We drove over twice every day to visit with him. It was a very emotional and stressful week.

In the meantime, Indie is still attacking his red blood cells but at a MUCH slower rate, which means that the steroids and immuno-suppressant drugs are beginning to take effect. He will remain on the drugs and activity restriction for quite some time until a marked improvement in his PCV count has been shown and maintained. He will still be on the drugs for some time, if not permanently. Since Indie has been home he has done A LOT of sleeping, which is great. We are all happy to have him home. Unfortunately, we are by no means "out of the woods" yet. Thirty percent of IMHA patients fully recover and never relapse, another 30% recover and then have relapses later in life, and then another 40%
So, that's where I've been. It's been a long and stressful week with me thinking lots of positive thoughts to help out Indie and not cause undo stress on the little one growing inside of me. I should be able to remove my Etsy shop from vacation mode starting this week and be able to get back into work while keeping an eye on Indie. I will also continue to keep you updated on his progress with hopefully lots of good news.
PS - If you have a pet, I strongly encourage you to look into pet insurance. We have a policy for both Indie and Kasey with Petplan and we honestly never thought we would have to use it for Indie. Pet insurance has been a life-saver, literally.
**UPDATE** As of Tuesday, February 2nd, Indie's PCV count is up to 35! Hooray!